Announcement Title | Change - Announcement of Cessation |
Date & Time of Broadcast | Feb 24, 2023 19:31 |
Status | New |
Announcement Sub Title | Resignation of Non-Executive Director |
Announcement Reference | SG230224OTHRE22S |
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) | Yong Yean Chau |
Designation | Director / Chief Executive Officer |
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below) | Resignation of Non-Executive Director |
Additional Details | |
Name Of Person | Dr. Kelvin Loh Chi-Keon |
Age | 49 |
Is effective date of cessation known? | Yes |
If yes, please provide the date | 22/02/2023 |
Detailed Reason (s) for cessation | Dr. Kelvin Loh Chi-Keon has resigned as Managing Director of IHH Healthcare Berhad, the ultimate holding company of Parkway Trust Management Limited. |
Are there any unresolved differences in opinion on material matters between the person and the board of directors, including matters which would have a material impact on the group or its financial reporting? | No |
Is there any matter in relation to the cessation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the listed issuer? | No |
Any other relevant information to be provided to shareholders of the listed issuer? | No |
Date of Appointment to current position | 01/10/2019 |
Does the AC have a minimum of 3 members (taking into account this cessation)? | Yes |
Number of Independent Directors currently resident in Singapore (taking into account this cessation) | 3 |
Number of cessations of appointments specified in Listing Rule 704 (7) or Catalist Rule 704 (6) over the past 12 months | 1 |
Job Title (e.g. Lead ID, AC Chairman, AC Member etc.) | Non-Executive Director and Member of Nominating and Remuneration Committee |
Role and responsibilities | Non-Executive Director |
Familial relationship with any director and/ or substantial shareholder of the listed issuer or of any of its principal subsidiaries | Nil |
Shareholding interest in the listed issuer and its subsidiaries? | Yes |
Shareholding Details | 120,000 |
Past (for the last 5 years) | PLEASE REFER TO ANNEXURE A ATTACHED |