Parkway Life REIT - Annual Report 2014 - page 103

Year ended 31 December 2014
(B) Manager’s management fees
Pursuant to the Trust Deed, the Manager is entitled to receive management fees comprising the base fee
and performance fee as follows:
A base fee of 0.3% per annum of the value of the Deposited Property; and
A performance fee of 4.5% per annum of the net property income of the Group.
The base fee and performance fee is payable to the Manager in the form of cash and/or units (as the
Manager may elect prior to each payment) and in such proportion as may be determined by the Manager.
Where the management fees are payable in the form of units, such payment shall be made out quarterly in
arrears and the Manager shall be entitled to receive such number of units as may be purchased with the
relevant amount of the management fee attributable to the relevant period at an issue price equal to the
market price.
Where the management fees are payable in the form of cash, the portion of the base fee and performance
fee payable in cash shall be payable monthly and quarterly in arrears, respectively.
Since the Listing Date, the Manager has elected to receive 20% of the base and performance fees in the
form of units and 80% in the form of cash. With effect from the financial year ended 31 December 2011, the
Manager has elected to receive 100% of the base and performance fees in the form of cash.
Any increase in the maximum permitted amount or any change in the structure of the Manager’s
management fees must be approved by an Extraordinary Resolution at a meeting of Unitholders of the Trust
duly convened and held in accordance with the provisions of the Trust Deed. In addition to the management
fees, the Manager is entitled to the following fees (excluding the Hospital Properties for the duration of the
master lease agreements):
A fee of 2.0% per annum of the revenue of the real estate held directly or indirectly by the Trust and
managed by the Manager, for property management services provided by the Manager;
A fee of 1.0% per annum of the revenue of the real estate held directly or indirectly by the Trust and
managed by the Manager, for lease management services provided by the Manager;
Commissions as set out below for securing new leases or renewal of leases for those real estate
which are not leased to a master lessee under a master lease agreement, pursuant to marketing
services provided by the Manager:
One month’s gross rent inclusive of service charge, for securing a lease of three years or less;
Two months’ gross rent inclusive of service charge, for securing a lease of more than
three years;
Half month’s gross rent inclusive of service charge, for securing a renewal of lease of three
years or less; and
One month’s gross rent inclusive of service charge, for securing a renewal of lease of more
than three years.
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