Parkway Life REIT - Annual Report 2014 - page 104

Year ended 31 December 2014
(B) Manager’s management fees (cont’d)
If a third party agent secures a tenancy, the Manager will be responsible for all marketing services
commissions payable to such third party agent, and the Manager will be entitled to a marketing
service commission of:
1.2 months’ gross rent inclusive of service charge for securing or renewal of a lease of three
years or less; and
2.4 months’ gross rent inclusive of service charge for securing or renewal of a lease of more
than three years.
The marketing services commission may be adjusted accordingly at the time of securing or renewal
of a lease by the Manager or a third party agent, to be consistent with and no higher than the
prevailing market rates of such marketing service commission in the country where the real estate
is located.
(C) Manager’s acquisition and divestment fees
The Manager is entitled to receive the following acquisition fees and divestment fees:
An acquisition fee of 1.0%of the Enterprise Value of any real estate or real estate related asset acquired
directly or indirectly by the Trust, prorated, if applicable, to the proportion of the Trust’s interest.
Where the assets acquired by the Trust are shares in a special purpose vehicle whose primary
purpose is to hold/own real estate (directly or indirectly), “Enterprise Value” shall mean the sum
of the equity value and the total net debt attributable to the shares being acquired by the Trust.
Where the asset acquired by the Trust is a real estate, “Enterprise Value” shall mean the value of
the real estate.
In the event that there is a payment to be made to third party agents or brokers in connection with
the acquisition, such payment shall be paid out of the Deposited Property. Unless required under the
Property Funds Appendix to be paid in the form of units only, the Manager may opt to receive such
acquisition fee in the form of cash or units or a combination of cash and units as it may determine.
Units representing the acquisition fee or any part thereof will be issued at an issue price on a similar
basis as management fees.
In the event that the Manager receives an acquisition fee in connection with a transaction with a
related party, any such acquisition fee shall be paid in the form of units to be issued by the Trust at
the market price.
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