Parkway Life REIT - Annual Report 2014 - page 52

1st Quarter
One-on-one Investors’ Meetings
2nd Quarter
DBS Vickers The Pulse of Asia Conference
(New York & San Francisco)
Citi Asia Pacific Property Conference 2014
(Hong Kong)
Post 1st Quarter Results Luncheon with UBS
3rd Quarter
One-on-one Investors’ Meetings
4th Quarter
DBS Vickers and Alliance Investment Corporate
Day (Kuala Lumpur)
DBS Vickers Non Deal Roadshow
(Zurich, London & Paris)
The Manager of PLife REIT (“Manager”) is committed to
fostering strong relationship with all Unitholders and engaging
the investing community and all Unitholders in regular and
transparent communications.
The Manager adopts a proactive approach in reaching out
to the existing and potential investors, analysts, media
and Unitholders through various communications channels
and programmes such as corporate website, corporate
literature, annual general meeting and outreach programmes,
throughout the year.
Corporate Website
PLife REIT’s corporate website (
) allows
easy access to comprehensive information on the REIT.
Information like stock data, SGXnet announcements, financial
statements, press releases, presentation slides, annual reports
and other corporate development is regularly updated to keep
Unitholders and the general public abreast with the REIT’s
performance on a timely basis. Through the information
available on the corporate website, the Manager also provides
insights into its growth strategy and latest developments.
The Manager also actively seeks investors’ feedback by
encouraging Unitholders to provide feedback or submit their
enquiries to the Manager via the corporate website.
Corporate Literature
All new announcements, such as corporate developments,
financial statements, press releases and presentation slides
are posted on the corporate website immediately following
its release to the SGX to ensure prompt dissemination of
information to Unitholders. PLife REIT regularly publishes
updates on its financial and operational data in a clear,
concise and factual manner.
Annual General Meeting
Each year, PLife REIT holds its Annual General Meeting
(“AGM”) in April in Singapore. The AGM is a platform for
all Unitholders to interact with the Board of Directors and
management of the Manager, as well as to decide on the
proposed resolutions. The AGM also allow the Manager to
share with the Unitholders the strategic direction of PLife
REIT and for the Board of Directors and management to
address Unitholders’ questions or concerns.
Investor Outreach Programme
The Manager is committed to engaging local and foreign
institutional investors and analysts on a regular basis as part
of its outreach programme with the investing community.
This includes regular face-to-face meetings with key investors,
participation in investment or industry conferences, analyst
briefings and non-deal roadshows in key financial centres.
Some of the key investor relations activities conducted in
year 2014 are listed below:
Key Events/IR Activities in FY2014
The Manager would periodically arrange site visits to its key
properties to help investors, analysts and the media better
understand the REIT’s portfolio. Through media platforms,
the Manager also seeks to articulate its progress, growth
strategy and plans to the public and investors. News releases
on its corporate developments and financial results are
regularly picked up by the local press. In addition, PLife
REIT was featured in The Business Times’ Topline column
published on 20 October 2014. The article has provided
a positive illustration of the REIT’s strategy, performance
and the strong growth potential in this lucrative healthcare
market, particularly with a focus in the nursing home sector.
The Manager was able to effectively reach out to both its
existing and new investors to raise awareness and interest
in PLife REIT through this outreach programme and would
endeavour to consistently improve on its communications
to better improve its outreach.
The following brokerage houses provide research coverage
on PLife REIT as of 31 December 2014:
CIMB Research
Citi Investment Research
DBS Vickers Research
UBS Investment Research
UOB Kay Hian Research
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