Parkway Life REIT - Annual Report 2014 - page 58

Principle 4: There should be a formal and transparent process for the appointment and reappointment of directors to
the Board.
The appointment and reappointment of directors is a matter reserved for Board approval. The Board, with the recommendation
by the Nominating and Remuneration Committee, will deliberate and review the proposed appointment of new directors
based on the candidate’s academic and professional qualifications, expertise, commercial experience and knowledge, taking
into account the scope and nature of operations of the Manager and PLife REIT. New directors are appointed by way of a
Board resolution and such appointment is subject to the approval by MAS and the holding company of the Manager. Newly
appointed directors are briefed on the business activities of PLife REIT, its business plans, the regulatory environment in
which PLife REIT operates, its corporate governance practices and their statutory duties and responsibilities as directors.
As the Manager is not a listed company, directors of the Manager are not subject to periodic retirement by rotation.
The composition of the Board is reviewed regularly to ensure that the Board has the appropriate mix of expertise and
experience and is of the appropriate size. In carrying out this review, the Board looks to achieve a balance in matters such
as skill representation, experience, diversity (including gender diversity) and knowledge of the company.
The Manager does not limit the maximum number of listed company board representations its Board members may hold as
long as each of the Board members is able to commit his/her time and attention to the affairs of PLife REIT and the Manager,
including attending Board meetings and to contribute constructively to the management of the Manager and PLife REIT.
Principle 5: There should be a formal annual assessment of the effectiveness of the Board as a whole and its board
committees and the contribution by each director to the effectiveness of the Board.
A review of the Board’s performance is conducted annually to assess the effectiveness of the Board. The review of the
Board’s performance includes the Board composition, directors’ contribution and commitment at board meetings, access
to information, procedures, accountability and standards of conduct, skills and any specific areas where improvement may
be made by an individual director and the Board collectively. Attendance at meetings as well as the contributions of each
director to the Board are also considered. Directors are required to complete a questionnaire evaluating the Board. The
feedback, comments and recommendations from the directors will be reviewed and discussed by the Board collectively.
Principle 6: In order to fulfill their responsibilities, directors should be provided with complete, adequate and timely
information prior to board meetings and on an ongoing basis so as to enable them to make informed
decisions to discharge their duties and responsibilities.
The management provides the Board with complete and adequate information on the business and the operations of PLife
REIT and the Manager, on a regular and quarterly basis, at Board meetings.
The annual calendar of the Board meeting is scheduled in advance. Board papers are dispatched to directors about a
week before the scheduled meetings so that directors have sufficient time to review and consider matters being tabled
and discussed at the meetings. The senior executives are also requested to attend the Board meetings to provide insights
into matters being discussed and to respond to any queries from the directors.
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