Parkway Life REIT - Annual Report 2014 - page 65

Communication with Unitholders
The Listing Manual of the SGX-ST requires that a listed entity discloses to the market, among others, matters that would
likely have a material effect on the price or value of the entity’s securities. The Manager upholds a strong culture of
continuous disclosure and transparent communication with Unitholders and the investing community. The Manager’s
disclosure policy requires timely and full disclosure of all material information relating to PLife REIT by way of public
releases or announcements through the SGX-ST via SGXNET at first instance and then including the release on PLife
REIT’s website at
The Manager also conducts regular briefings for analysts and media representatives. During these briefings, the Manager
will review PLife REIT’s most recent performance as well as discuss the business outlook for PLife REIT. In line with the
Manager’s objective of transparent communication, briefing materials are released to the SGX-ST and also made available
on PLife REIT’s website.
It is the aim of the Board to provide the Unitholders with a balanced and comprehensive assessment of PLife REIT’s
performance, position and prospects. The Unitholders are encouraged to attend the annual general meeting (“
of PLife REIT to ensure a high level of accountability and to stay informed of the strategies and goals of PLife REIT. The
chairpersons of the Audit Committee and/or the Nominating and Remuneration Committee and external auditors should,
where possible, also be present to assist the directors in addressing any relevant queries by Unitholders.
The notice of AGM is dispatched to the Unitholders in the manner set out in the Listing Manual. The Board welcomes
questions from the Unitholders who have an opportunity to raise issues either informally or formally before or at the AGM.
Each item of special business included in the notice of AGM is accompanied, where appropriate, by an explanation for the
proposed resolution and a proxy form with instructions on the appointment of proxies. Separate resolutions are prepared
for substantially separate issues at the AGM. The resolutions approved in the AGM will be announced on or after the day
AGM is held. Minutes of general meetings are also made available to Unitholders upon request.
As encouraged by SGX-ST and in support of the greater transparency of voting in AGM and good corporate governance,
the Manager has employed electronic polling since the AGM held in 2012 whereby all resolutions are voted by poll and
detailed results showing the number of votes cast for and against each resolution and the respective percentage are
published at the meeting. Prior to voting at the AGM, the voting procedures will be made known to the Unitholders. The
votes cast by each Unitholder are in direct proportion to their respective unitholdings in PLife REIT.
Please refer to page 114 of this Annual Report on the distribution policy and “Distribution Statements” on pages 75 and
76 of this Annual Report for more details.
The Trust Deed requires each director to give notice to the Manager of his acquisition of units or of changes in the number
of units which he holds or in which he has an interest, within two business days after such acquisition or the occurrence of
the event giving rise to changes in the number of units which he holds or in which he has an interest. This is in line with the
requirements of the Section 137Y of the SFA (
relating to notification of unitholdings by directors and Chief Executive Officer
of the Manager
). The Chief Executive Officer of the Manager is also required to give similar notice under the new section.
All dealings in units by the directors and the Chief Executive Officer will be announced via SGXNET, with the announcement
to be posted on the SGX-ST website at
The directors and employees of the Manager are encouraged, as a matter of internal policy, to hold units but are prohibited
from dealing in the units:
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