1) Parkway Trust Management Limited
(Manager of Parkway Life REIT)
9 Raffles Place
#26-01 Republic Plaza
Singapore 048619
Attention: The Company Secretary
Email: Catherine.Chan@sg.tricorglobal.com
2) HSBC Institutional Trust Services (Singapore) Limited
(Trustee of Parkway Life REIT)
21 Collyer Quay
#03-01 HSBC Building
Singapore 049320
With effect from 6 April 2020:
10 Marina Boulevard
Marina Bay Financial Centre
Tower 2 Level 45-01
Singapore 018983
Attention: REITs
Email: reits.cs@hsbc.com.sg
The notification forms are available at MAS website, which can be retrieved from here.
You are advised to retrieve the notification forms from the MAS website to ensure that the forms used are the latest versions.