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Announcement Of Cessation As Executive Director

BackDec 23, 2008
Resignation Details
Name Of Person Justine Victoria Wingrove
Age 40
Is Effective Date Of Cessation Known? Yes
Effective Date Of Cessation 23/12/2008
Detailed Reason(s) for Cessation Voluntary resignation for personal reasons.
Is there any difference of opinion on material matters between the person and the Board of directors? No
If yes, please elaborate NA
Is there any matter in relation to the cessation that needs to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the listed issuer? No
If yes, please elaborate NA
Any other relevant information to be provided to shareholders of the listed issuer? No
If yes, please elaborate NA
Date of Appointment to current position 01/07/2007
Job Title Chief Executive Officer / Executive Director
Role and Responsibilities The CEO of the Manager works with the Board to determine the strategy for Parkway Life REIT and also works with the other members of the Manager's management team to ensure that Parkway Life REIT is operated in accordance with the Manager's stated investment strategy. Additionally, the CEO is responsible for planning the future strategic development of Parkway Life REIT. The CEO is also responsible for strategic planning, the day- to- day operations of Parkway Life REIT and working with the Manager's investment, asset management, financial and compliance personnel in meeting the strategic, investment and operational objectives of Parkway Life REIT. The CEO is further responsible for facilitating communications and liaison with Unitholders. This includes regular statutory reporting, such as producing annual reports to Unitholders, and reporting to the SGX-ST in compliance with Listing Manual. The principal objective of the CEO is to provide exceptional service to Unitholders by maintaining continuous disclosure and transparent communications with Unitholders and the market. The CEO facilitates and coordinates the formulation of strategic plans focused on the creation of value for Unitholders, and in promoting and marketing Parkway Life REIT to Unitholders prospective investors and the media through regular communications, roadshows, events and a website.
Does the AC have a minimum of 3 members (taking into account this resignation)? Yes
Number of Independent Directors currently resident in Singapore (taking into account this cessation) 3
Number of Cessations of Appointments specified in Listing Rule 704(7) over the past 12 months 4 (2 of whom are pursuing other roles within the Parkway Holdings Group).
Shareholding in the listed issuer and its subsidiaries 120,000 units in Parkway Life REIT
Family relationship with any director and/or substantial shareholder of the listed issuer or of any of its principal subsidiaries NIL
Other Directorship
Past Directorship (for the last five years) NIL
Present Directorship Parkway Trust Management Limited
Parkway Life MTN Pte. Ltd.
Matsudo Investment Pte. Ltd.
Parkway Life Japan2 Pte. Ltd.
Parkway Life Japan3 Pte. Ltd.
Other Notes
Footnotes Citigroup Global Markets Singapore Pte. Ltd. and UBS AG, acting through its business group, UBS Investment Bank were the joint global co-ordinators, joint bookrunners and joint lead underwriters to the initial public offering of Parkway Life REIT.