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Notice Of A Substantial Shareholder's Interest

BackJun 10, 2011
Part I
1. Date of notice to issuer 08/06/2011
2. Name of Substantial Shareholder Neptune LLC, Mellon International Holdings S.a.r.L., BNY Mellon International Asset Management Group Limited and Newton Management Limited
3. Notice Type Notice of a New Substantial Shareholder's interest.
Part II
1. Date of change of Interest 22/09/2010
2. Name of Registered Holder DBS Bank Ltd., BNP Paribas Securities Services SA and Citibank, N.A.
3. Circumstance(s) giving rise to the interest or change in interest # Others

Each of Neptune LLC, Mellon International Holdings S.a.r.L., BNY Mellon International Asset Management Group Limited and Newton Management Limited has a deemed interest by virtue of Section 7(4) of the Companies Act, Cap. 50, in the interests of Newton Investment Management Limited ("NIML") in the units of Parkway Life Real Estate Investment Trust ("Parkway Life REIT"). The interests of NIML increased as a result of an open market purchase
4. Information relating to shares held in the name of the Registered Holder
No. of Shares held before the change 18,016,000
As a percentage of issued share capital 2.98 %
No. of Shares which are subject of this notice 32,911,000
As a percentage of issued share capital 5.44 %
Amount of consideration (excluding brokerage and stamp duties) per share paid or received 1.56
No. of Shares held after the change 50,927,000
As a percentage of issued share capital 8.42 %
Part III - Not Required
Part IV
1. Holdings of Substantial Shareholder, including direct and deemed interest :
  Direct Deemed
No. of shares held before the change 0 18,016,000
As a percentage of issued share capital 0 % 2.98 %
No. of shares held after the change 0 50,927,000
As a percentage of issued share capital 0 % 8.42 %
Footnotes Note:

Percentages calculated based on 604,495,368 issued units in Parkway Life REIT as at 22 September 2010.